home Critical Thinking Finance



  • - Basic financial education through educational games
  • - Simulated financial experience through real-world cases
Number of Attendees
  • - 48 people
Semester Spring Summer Fall Winter Total
no. 24 - 24 - 48
  • - Basic theories education of finance and application
Class Time Title Theme(Contents) Note
1st 120min. Composition of financial ecosystem Finance vs Economy vs Investment Board game (Basic mode)
120min. News interpretation theory Debate on real news cases News card interpretation
120min. Investment theory and asset management Inflation and portfolio strategy Board game (a wise investor)
120min. Credit, loans around us Leverage and risk management, real estate and industry, arbitrage Debate, practice
2nd 120min. Utilization of insurance and tax Hedging and safety set up, financial fraud Lecture, debate
120min. Valuation of time Intangible assets, tangible assets
Life-term asset management strategy
Debate, practice
60min. Features of financial companies Analysis of financial company’s business model Lecture
60min. World is wide and there are many jobs Certificate and strategy of interviews for financial company Lecture, practice
60min. History of Quant Oddsmaker, Quant, profit and loss cost Lecture, debate
60min. Stock terms and practice(Investment theory) Principle and terms of stock Board game (adventurer), PC
Session Date Location
Spring Class1 3.18.(Sat.), 3.25.(Sat.) 09:00 ~ 17:00 (2 times) UNIST Lecture room
Fall Class1 9.16.(Sat.), 10.7.(Sat.) 09:00 ~ 18:00 (2 times)
  • - Attend over 13 hours and submit report
Course registration

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