home Empathy & Self Care Mental Health Ⅱ

Mental Health Ⅱ


  • - Enhance mental health of students through education and prevention
  • - Develop human resource(leader) to help members in need
Number of Attendees
  • - 100 people
Spring Summer Fall Winter Total
- 50 - 50 100
Activity contents
  • - Suicide, Counseling Education, Psychological tests
Class Time Contents Remarks
1st 180min Suicide Prevention Education Health Care Center
2nd 180min Peer Counseling Education
3rd 180min Psychological tests Ⅰ
4th 180min Psychological tests Ⅱ
5th 180min Psychopathology Education
Session Date Location
Summer 2020. July Lecture room
Winter 2021. January
  • ※ Schedule can be changd due to operation circumstances
  • - Participating more than 4 times
  • - Pencil

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